
At PACE our pupils learn to read and write using the Read Write Inc. phonics programme.

In Read Write Inc. phonics pupils:

  • Decode letter-sound correspondences quickly and effortlessly, using their phonic knowledge and skills

  • Read common exception words on sight

  • Understand what they read

  • Read aloud with fluency and expression

  • Spell quickly and easily by segmenting the sounds in words

  • Acquire good handwriting.

We make sure that pupils read books that are closely matched to their increasing knowledge of phonics and the common exception words. This is so that, early on, they experience success and gain confidence that they are readers. Re-reading and discussing these books with the teacher supports their increasingly fluent decoding.

Alongside this, the teachers read a wide range of stories, poetry and non-fiction to pupils.

Parents: how to listen to your child read a Read Write Inc. storybook

How to help your child learn the Read Write Inc. phonics sounds

Hints and Tips for Reading at Home

Three things to do

  1. Ask your child to read the sounds and words before they read the story. They will enjoy teaching you to read these words too.

  2. When your child reads the story, encourage them to read the word in Fred Talk if they hesitate or read it incorrectly. Praise them when they succeed.

  3. Read back each sentence or page to keep the plot moving - your child’s energy is going into reading the words not the story.

Three things not to do

  1. Don’t read the story to them first.

  2. Don’t ask your child to guess a word by looking the pictures.

  3. And, importantly, please try not to become irritable if your child ever struggles!
