Management Committee

St Helens Alterative Provision Service Management Committee, in partnership with the Headteacher, provides the overall strategic lead for our schools. Our Management Committee includes in its membership parents, staff and other professionals. The full Management Committee meets twice each term.

The Management Committee work as a team. They are responsible for making sure the school provides an outstanding quality education for all its young people. Ensuring there is a relentless drive to equip each and every one of them for the demands of the twenty-first century through the development of our school values having the highest expectations of what all our young people can achieve.

The Management Committee together with the Headteacher sets the school’s aims and policies. The Headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school.

The Management Committee is accountable to parents, the local community and the Local Authority. Appointment to the Management Committee is for a period of four years.

Member Type


Term Start - End

Co Chair of Governors/Local Authority Governor

Jimmy McNamee

24/01/23 - 23/01/27

Co Chair of Governors /Parent Governor

Anthony Williams

24.01.23 - 13.03.26

Community Governor

Melanie Lockley

14.03.22 - 13.03.26

Community Governor

Alison Bingham

15.10.23 - 14.10.27

Community Governor

Lavern Shelford

15.10.23 - 14.10.27

Community Governor



Parent Governor

Mandy Pierce

16.05.22 - 15.05.26

Staff Governor

Donna Norton

11.07.22 - 10.07.26

Ex-officio by virtue of office as headteacher

Michael Power

01.09.24 -

The Management Committee:

  • Is accountable for the performance of the school to parents, the local community and the Local Authority

  • Plans the school's future direction

  • Recruits and selects the Headteacher

  • Makes decisions on the school's budget and staffing including the performance management policy

  • Makes sure the agreed Curriculum is well taught

  • Decides how the school can encourage young people's spiritual, moral and cultural development

  • Makes sure the school provides for all young people

Members are at the heart of how a school operates, they support and challenge the Headteachers by gathering views, asking questions and discussing what's best for the school. They have to be prepared to give and take advice and must be loyal to decisions taken by the governing body as a whole. As long as they act within the law and take appropriate advice, members are protected from any financial liability for the decisions they take.

St Helens Alternative Provision Service Management Committee members take an active role in the life of the school.

Members are advised to register interests of both themselves and any member of their immediate family (including partners).

Members have read the guidelines regarding Register of Pecuniary or Business Interests and declared whether or not they have any interests that may conflict with their duties as a Governor.