
We challenge all students and staff to develop their knowledge and understanding of careers through whole school delivery of the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks linking to the curriculum offer, to the Start online platform and the local careers landscape.

In December 2017 the government published its careers strategy. The latest edition of the statutory guidance is below: -

This document gives further guidance on implementing a stable careers programme that fulfils the needs of students in Educational Diversity whilst following national requirements.

The guidance offers in depth content to support delivery of the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks:

  1. A stable careers programme

  2. Learning from career and labour market information

  3. Addressing the needs of each student

  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers

  5. Encounters with employers and employees

  6. Experiences of workplaces

  7. Encounters with further and higher education

  8. Personal guidance

As a school we are committed to working towards 100% delivery across all 8 Benchmarks.

Implementing the Careers Programme

St Helens Alternative Provision Service is committed to providing our young people with access to a careers programme that allows them to develop their potential and promote an aspirational curriculum.

The Headteacher Michael Power is the Senior Leader with careers responsibility who links with the Senior leadership Team, the Careers Lead and the Management Committee.

The Careers Lead is Tracey Harvey, Head of Provision (Launchpad KS4)

Careers is a key priority in the School Improvement Plan with a focus on Gatsby Benchmarks and improving post 16 transition support and destination data through the Pathways for All Programme. The Careers Lead produces a strategic careers programme allowing for yearly evaluation and evidence based planning for future years. All students across school sites will have access to the careers programme to learn more about careers/employability and to support career decision making in Year 11.

At St Helens Alternative Provision Service we aim to raise the aspirations of all students, challenging stereotypes and encouraging careers curiosity throughout the school journey. By doing this we are preparing students for leaving us and supporting life chances.

Our SEND Team includes a ‘future aspirations’ section on all one page profiles to encourage discussion between staff and students at all ages. This profile can then be shared with post 16 providers of education/training to know how to support our leavers effectively.

We welcome any input and feedback from students, parents/carers, staff and employers in order to develop our programme in the best interests of all our young people.