Information for Professionals
There are two routes into St Helens Alternative Provision Service. Either as a result of a permanent exclusion or via a referral for a dual registered placement via TESSA.
St Helens Alternative Provision Service provides tailored educational support for children and young people who may be struggling to engage fully in a mainstream school setting.
Through specialised support programs and placements within its Pupil Referral Units (PRUs) - PACE and Launchpad - the service aims to help each child overcome personal, social, and academic barriers to learning.
The PRUs offer structured, short-term placements designed to re-engage pupils in their education, improve their confidence, and support positive outcomes.
The goal is to enable students to successfully reintegrate into mainstream schooling or move on to further education, training, or employment.
Expectations for Schools - A TESSA Triage Referral
The child or young person should typically already be receiving support from TESSA (TESSA Behaviour, TESSA Autism, TESSA Education Welfare, or TESSA Inclusion) as part of a Graduated Approach.
Request for additional support is highly likely to have been discussed in a multi-professional meeting or during an EHCP review.
If the child or young person is already receiving TESSA support, a new referral form is not necessary.
However, in cases where a child is not yet known to TESSA, please contact TESSA at the Hive for guidance on next steps. In such cases, a TESSA Triage referral will be required to consider Alternative Provision.
The PACE and Launchpad Pupil Referral Units offer alternative education for children across all key stages. Children allocated a place will remain dual registered with their mainstream schools.
Expectations for Children, Young People, and their Families
Full engagement with the curriculum is required, as there are high standards for participation.
The child’s specific personal, social, and academic needs will be identified and supported to overcome any barriers to learning.
Motivation, self-confidence, attendance, and engagement are key focus areas, aiming to improve outcomes for every pupil.
Clear objectives will be set, including goals for the short-term placement and the next steps, such as reintegration into mainstream education, further education, or training.