Information for Parents
What is a PRU?
St Helens Alternative Provision Service is made up from two Pupil Referral Units (PACE and Launchpad Centre).A PRU is a school. It is registered with the Department for Education and is subject to Ofsted inspection like any other school.
What is different about the PRU?
The PRU works with pupils who have experienced real difficulties in mainstream high schools. The staff are specially trained to teach and support young people who have found it hard to manage in mainstream for lots of different reasons. Everyone at St Helens Alternative Provision Service works hard to make sure that the high expectations we have for pupils and staff, can be met and that each pupils’ individual skills and talents can be developed and rewarded.
Sometimes, pupils stay for a short time during the academic year so that any barriers to their learning can be identified and overcome. For some pupils, this takes longer and may involve working with other agencies to assess and plan for longer term educational needs.
Wherever possible pupils will make a supported return to a mainstream school, but if they need more specialist help, we will work with parents and carers to identify the best placement available to support their child.
PACE & Launchpad KS3
Derbyshire Hill Road, St Helens
Launchpad KS4
College Street, St Helens
Launchpad Complex & Medical Needs
Beacon Building, College Street, St Helens
Launchpad Day 6
Sarah Cowley Building, Gamble Avenue, St Helens
What if a placement does not work?
When a student comes to our school we take responsibility for providing their education. Although it can be difficult to move into a new school we will work with students and their families to plan the best way forward. Where a student is dual registered with a mainstream school, we will also work with the home school to ensure placements are successful.
Can a student return to school?
Whenever possible pupils will be supported to reintegrate to school as soon as they are ready and a suitable place is found. However, if a student was permanently excluded they will not be able to go back to the school they were excluded from.
Can I still complete my SATS/GCSEs?
The Primary and Secondary curriculum covers the core subjects to allow students to complete primary national curriculum assessments and at KS4 some GCSE level subjects, including Maths, English and Science . We cannot offer every option that High schools or academies do. This will be discussed with you during the admission process.
Will I just go to the nearest location?
Our provisions are set up for specific age ranges and needs. Therefore, you will be placed at the most appropriate provision within our school.
The person who got my child in trouble is at the PRU too?
We work with schools to ensure that any issues such as negative student combinations are considered when placing a student.
Why is my child’s old school still involved?
If the student is permanently excluded their old school will no longer be involved. If the placement with the PRU is an alternative to permanent exclusion or due to physical or mental health needs the school will still be involved. The student is still on the school’s roll and their exam results are reported by the school. There is also the potential for the student to return to the school.
Can I still get to college / 6th Form?
Being permanently excluded may affect your son/daughter being able to get into college. We will work with all of our year 11 students work to explore routes of entry to post 16 education.
Can I appeal against a placement at the PRU?
If your child is permanently excluded you do have a right of appeal to the governors at the school they were excluded from and the school will give you details. Your child may be referred to the PRU whilst that appeal takes place. If the appeal is unsuccessful the student will be placed with the PRU.
Will it be full time?
For most students they will have a full time 5 day timetable. There are a small number who initially may not be on this arrangement but will be working towards it.